18 November 2017

Kasus Reuni Papa

Kasus Reuni Papa

By: Rina Budiati

Sore ini, rumah Dion dangat ramai. Papa mengadakan reuni bersama teman-teman SMU-nya. Sekitar tiga puluh orang datang. Teman-teman papanya sangat ramah. Dion bisa mengobrol santai dengan mereka. Dion sangat tertarik pada salah satu teman Papa. Om Danang namanya.  

“Dari dulu, kau masih saja gemuk,” ujar Papa bercanda dengan Om Danang.
Ilustrasi: Yan B

Selain bertubuh gemuk, penampilan Om Danang juga lebih menarik dibanding tamu yang lain. Acara sore ini merupakan pesta santai. Kebanyakan teman Papa memakai baju lengan pendek. Akan tetapi, Om Danang terlihat kepayahan dengan baju lengan panjangnya. Pendingin ruangan sepertinya tidak terlalu berpengaruh baginya.

 “Sepertinya, kau salah kostum,” Papa geleng-geleng kepala. “Mau kupinjami bajuku, agar tidak terlalu gerah?”

“Kau ada-ada saja,” ujar Om Danang tertawa.

Setelah seperempat jam beramah tamah dengan teman-teman Papa, Dion berniat pergi ke kamar. Namun, langkah Dion terhenti.

“Sepertinya ada yang aneh waktu aku bersalaman dengan salah satu teman Papa.”

Dion menepis perasaan itu dan melanjutkan langkahnya. Baru sebentar Dion berada di kamar, didengarkan ketukan pintu. Mama muncul dengan wajah cemas.

“Gawat Dion,” ujar Mama, berusaha menyembunyikan kegelisahannya. “Patung kuda Papa hilang!”

Patung antik satu-satunya milik Papa, hilang? Papa pernah cerita, harganya mencapai belasan juta rupiah. Pasti ada seseorang yang diam-diam mengambilnya dari kamar Papa dan Mama. Padahal, pintu kamar mereka tidak terlihat dari ruang keluarga, tempat pesta berlangsung.

“Papa sudah tahu?”

Mama mengangguk.

“Siapa kira-kira yang mengambilnya, Ma?” tanya Dion buru-buru.

Mama menggeleng. Dion bisa menebak pikiran Mama. Hari ini ada begitu banyak orang di rumah. Namun mereka tidak boleh mencurigai seseorang begitu saja. Apalagi kenalan mereka.

“Mungkin ada pencuri menyelinap tanpa kita ketahui,” ujar Mama.

Dion berpikir keras. Untuk masuk ke ruang dalam rumah Dion, harus melewati ruang tamu. Kalau ada pencuri, pasti mereka bisa melihatnya.

Di sekeliling rumah Dion, ada halaman sempit yang berbatasan dengan rumah tetangga. Pagarnya lumayan tinggi. Kalau ada pencuri masuk ke rumah Dion, dia harus melompat lebih dulu ke halaman rumah tetangga. Kalau begitu, sih, pencurinya pasti lebih memilih mencuri di rumah tetangga.

Kalau pun pencuri itu tetap nekat ke rumah Dion, dia harus melompati pagar pembatas. Lalu, dia bisa ke halaman belakang dan masuk ke rumah melalui dapur. Tetapi, itu tindakan yang sangat mencolok. Pasti ada yang memergokinya. Tidak mungkin ada pencuri di rumahku, putus Dion. Mama kelihatannya juga berpikir begitu.

Dion dan Mama kembali ke tempat pesta. Tidak ada orang yang membawa tas yang cukup besar untuk menyimpan patung itu. Tamu perempuan semuanya membawa tas tangan mungil. Sedangkan tamu laki-laki, tidak ada yang membawa tas sama sekali.

Lalu, Dion minta izin pada Mama untuk masuk ke kamar Mama dan Papa. Dion meneliti ke sana ke mari. Tiba-tiba, Dion melihat sesuatu. Ada yang menyembul di bawah lemari. Dion menariknya.


Dion kebingungan memegang bola plastik kempis itu. Ukurannya lebih kecil dari bola untuk bermain sepakbola. Dion yakin, bola itu bukan miliknya.

“Jangan-jangan... ini ada hubungannya dengan hilangnya patung Papa?” pikir Dion.

Dion berusaha keras mencari hubungan itu dengan teman-teman Papa. Satu-satunya cara untuk mencari tahu adalah dengan kembali mengamati mereka. Tanpa Dion sadar, matanya terpaku pada Om Danang.

“Pa, jari-jari Om Danang ....,” bisik Dion hati-hati.

Sekarang Dion mengerti, kenapa tadi perasaannya aneh saat bersalaman dengan Om Danang. Jari-jari Om Danang terlalu kurus untuk tubuh gemuknya.

Papa tersenyum sedih. Dion bingung. Dia sudah menemukan petunjuk, namun sepertinya Papa tidak menyambutnya. Dion jadi ragu-ragu memperlihatkan temuannya. Dia tambah tidak mengerti saat Papa membiarkan Om Danang pulang.

“Trims, Dion,” Papa menepuk bahu Dion. “Kamu detektif yang sangat hebat.”

Papa tertunduk lesu di ruang keluarga. Sesaat kemudian, Papa tampak menelepon seseorang. Dion jadi penasaran.

Ia semakin penasaran ketika beberapa saat kemudian Om Danang kembali ke rumah mereka. Papa dan Om Danang berbicara serius. Tiba-tiba Om Danang mengeluarkan sesuatu dari balik bajunya. Dion terkejut. Ternyata, Om Danang memakai tas pinggang khusus di balik bajunya. Pasti Om Danang menyimpan bola yang tadi ditemukan Dion di kamar. Bola itu dibuang setelah dikempiskan, lalu diganti dengan... patung kuda Papa!
Ilustrasi: Yan B

“Terima kasih karena kau tidak melaporkanku ke polisi,” kata Om Danang pada Papa.

Papa tersenyum penuh pengertian. Ditepuk-tepuknya bahu Om Danang yang kelihatan malu dan sedih. Rupanya tadi Papa menelepon Om Danang dan meminta baik-baik agar ia mengembalikan patung kuda Papa.

“Papaku memang teman yang baik,” gumam Dion di dalam hati.

(Sumber: Bobo Edisi 32. Tahun XXXVIII. 18 November 2010. Hal. 18-19)

2 November 2017

Brain Challenge - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Exercise various area of cognitive function in this game, including logic, math, memory, and visual thinking. 

Link Alternative Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Sendit | Files | Uptobox


Sumber: www.bigfishgames.com

13 September 2017

Magic Life - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

If you don't believe in some mystic powers and think that our life is simpler than some of us see it then it's high time for you to make friends with powerful wizards who lead Magic Life. It's very useful sometimes for all of us to learn more about other worlds and their inhabitants. We now want you to put on wonderful mantle and try your hand at the Conclaves competition. If you pass through all the tests and become a winner of them you'll not only believe in other worlds but become the most powerful wizard of all times. But to gain the victory and prove you really deserve the first prize you'll have to work hard. Exciting flights and other adventures are already waiting for you. You will fight in duels and the most dangerous magicians will be your opponents. Try to avoid their lightning's attacks not to get injured. You'll have so many things to learn. To acquire certain skills and abilities you will be taught to prepare potions of chemicals you've never seen before. Find a job that suits you and prove you can be good at everything. Feel the taste of the Magic Life from the very beginning. Perhaps, you'll become a tailor or a statistician. Maybe you can be a perfect veterinarian or somebody else. You have freedom to choose. Earn your first wages! You'll be able to have a break in the tavern here but don't forget about your aims! Don't miss your time and go on working soon after the rest. Magic Life doesn't mean an easy one. As you've just learnt all the rules you can start preparing yourself for the greatest adventure in your life! 

Sumber : myplaycity.com

Magic Farm Collection - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Magic Farm
Welcome to Magic Farm! Help the main hero of the game, a young girl Iris, to save her parents. Once they went to the forest and since that time nobody saw them. When the girl got the news about the disappearance of her relatives, she decided to return to her native city and do everything that she could to find them. Fortunately, she is not alone now. Her funny dragon Robin accompanies her all the way. Luckily, there are some people in the city, who can help Iris. But it turns out, that the information costs money. Farming is the only way to earn the young girl's living in Magic Farm. You should help her to grow fruits and flowers, compose bunches and sell them at the market. It's not as easy as it seems, there are some important moments that you should keep in mind. Take care about your plants; they are to be watered in time. The sun is so hot, that they can fade very quickly without water. Besides, you have to watch the barrel and have enough water for every plant in your farm. Above all, there are some pests, who are always eager to spoil your harvest. In spite of the fact that these creatures seem to be very amusing and harmless, don't let them go! Just smash the bastards with your shovel! Act as fast as you can - the daytime, when the plants bear fruit, ends very rapidly! The sun will go down, before you bat an eye. The Magic Farm is a really addictive game, once playing it you won't be able to stop! Don't miss a chance to take part in a catching adventure with fantastic graphics and a nice plot. Download the game now absolutely for free and dive into the fairy world! 

Link Download: TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire 
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire 
Link Alternative 2: Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire  
****Magic Farm (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles


Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands

Do you like fairy tales? Of course, even adults do. They say, they'd prefer living in a miraculous kingdom with a noble king and kind queen and do nothing, because the life in most of kingdoms is settled and inert. Lots of people like doing nothing, when they don't need taking care of future. Tastes differ. But in the game Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands situation was different. The kingdom, where Iris lived, was quite uncommon. Everybody had its occupation and was engaged every minute: there were powerful magicians, skilful cooks, talented gardeners. Iris was studying at the University of Wizardry and took part in the annual Magical Tournament, where the most gifted students showed their skills in gardening and cooking to the strict examiners. Iris was the senior student, she took part in the Tournament for the last time, so she decided to do her best to win the Tournament. Iris studied at the faculty of Alchemy and Gardening, that's why her tasks were to grow flowers of the unearthly beauty and make different potions. At the Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands you are to help Iris and her friend, funny creature Robin, take care of flowers, make wonderful bouquets and fulfill different quests, given by the inhabitants of the kingdom. Pass all the levels in Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands, improve your skill with each quest, attain perfection in growing flowers and surprise the examiners by masterpieces of gardening!
Link Download: Yandex Disk | Mediafire
Link Alternative 1: Yandex Disk | Mediafire
Link Alternative 2: Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire  

Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower

With Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower Iris's adventures continue! After she successfully found her parents they took another expedition but didn't come back. Being worried about their fate Iris decides to go to her own journey to find them again. She asks her old friend for help and the story begins. You will help Iris to undertake her farm business to gain necessary money and materials, to go through all obstacles and finish all quests to meet her family. Similar to the first part of the game in Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower you will have to grow plants, water them, protect from pests, gather and sell your harvest wisely. To gain more money you should organize flowers and fruits in bunches ordered by customers. But there are new features now. For instance, pet dragon Robin will help you to manage the farm. Besides, as Iris and her pet are developing their mastery, there are some benefits like faster growing or watering. And there are lots of mini quests that will help your progress, for example, you should obtain a shovel to fight against pests more effectively. Besides, you will meet new kinds of flowers, fruits and pests. Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower has a balanced gameplay that will tempt you for a long time. Graphics are cartoon-like, bright and make a fairy-tale impression. You think you are in a wonderful medieval land full of miracles. There is a catching storyline that will reveal the secret of Iris parents' disappearance step by step. Download Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower to take a voyage with Iris and her friends!
Link Download: Yandex Disk | Mediafire
Link Alternative 1: Yandex Disk | Mediafire
Link Alternative 2: Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire
****Magic Farm: Ultimate Flower (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 

Sumber: www.myplaycity.com & www.toomkygames.com