Time Management
Fall in love with this exciting challenge from the creators of the Diner Dash™ series. Help Quinn, a hopeful wedding planner, make bells ring by planning and pulling off the perfect wedding! Assist the happy couple in selecting all the details - from cakes to flowers - but once they've tied the knot, look out for obstacles that can wreck their perfect party, such as tipsy guests, falling cakes, and catty bridesmaids.
Time Management
In this sequel, there are some changes from the original. The player alternates between Quinn, the wedding planner and Joe the photographer. Besides having to keep the bride and groom from seeing any of the disasters that could be or are happening at the wedding, the player must also have the photographer take pictures of the guests. In the "Endless Reception" mode, the player must make the wedding last as long as possible before the groom gets angry and turns into Groom Kong. Once the groom turns into Groom Kong, the game is over.
In this sequel to Wedding Dash, Quinn is invited by Mr. Bigger, the owner of hotel chains around the world to participate in a competition to see who is the best wedding planner, so that he or she will plan Mr. Bigger's daughter's wedding. In this game, we go to 5 scenic locations around the world. The 5 locations are the Niagara Falls, the Amazon Rainforest, the Arabian Desert, an ice resort in Finland, and the royal resort in Thailand. Quinn finds out one of the competitors is cheating and that Mr. Bigger's daughter has fallen in love with her photographer, Joe.
Time Management
In this Wedding Dash, drawings have changed a small bit, and now you have a budget to stick to when choosing decor and cakes. In this game, Cupid has several people to shoot before the end of the year or he's out of the job. Along with this, Quinn decides to help Cupid in order for him to shoot Joe, the photographer, so he'll propose and Quinn can finally begin planning her own wedding. At the end of the first ten levels, Cupid reveals that he's been trying to shoot Flo for months. But at the end of 4th level Quinn gets sneaky and rejects Joe although she still loves him. The game ends with Flo falling in love with a Hamburger!
Time Management
With the wedding between Joe and Quinn off, Quinn is planning the next reception when her mother stops by. She doesn't know that the wedding has been called off, and plans to help Quinn with her wedding. Can Quinn break the news to her?
In this game, you'll also get to help with the seating at the Wedding Ceremony, and lead the after-reception conga line! You'll also have to help the newlyweds find things they've misplaced, and in return they will give you a small token of their gratitude: a wedding present. The game ends with a surprise by Quinn's father as he and Lynn renew their vows on an anniversary bonus level. At the very end, Joe says he imagines his own wedding with Quinn like this when he sees Quinn's mother and father walking down the aisle. Quinn is also holding his hand while he says it.
Sumber: Berbagai Sumber
Game ini sama susahnya seperti Diner Dash.
BalasHapusSusahnya buat nilai Expert
kenapa ini iklan semua? :( bantu doong gbisa download ni
BalasHapusCoba gunakan link alternative 2, karena short linknya menggunakan adfly.
HapusMaaf, kalau iklannya mengganggu.
thank you ~ i really need this
BalasHapusterima kasih banyak admin, banyak sekali game masa kecil yang sangat dirindukan. sungguh nostalgia, semangat admin dalam melanjutkannya
BalasHapusYa, sama-sama :)
HapusMakasih atas semangatnya ya. (\^_^/)
terima kasihhh miinnn :))
Hapusyou're the best man!
BalasHapusterima kasih admin sangat membantu sekali fyuh rasanya sangat nostalgia. semoga lancar terus urusannya
BalasHapus10 tahun lebih gak main WD
Sekarang bisa maini game ini lagiii yee...
Apalagi ada yg seri 2, 3, 4
Makasih mind...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusMin req game posh boutique dong
BalasHapusmin, wedding dash 1 aku download kok tulisannya file dangerous ya?
BalasHapusLink sudah diperbaiki, silahkan dicoba lagi :)
Hapuskak mau nanya dong, aku udah berhasil download, game nya works juga, tapi kok gabisa ngesave profile ya:( jd nya harus ulang dr awal terus:'(
BalasHapusMungkin dikarenakan kamu bermain tidak sebagai administrator pc/laptop kamu, jadi kamu tidak bisa nge save atau load game karena bukan sebagai adminnya. Kalau mau melihat caranya, coba kunjungi situs ini:
HapusSelamat mencoba :) Semoga berhasil :)
udah sebagai administator sih kak, cuman aku mainnya dlm format rar(?) jd kyk harus run application terus tiap kali mau main.
Hapusmaaf ya kak nanya2 gini
Ya, gak apa-apa :)
HapusSaya pernah juga mengalami hal seperti itu dan game bisa tersave data juga walaupun selalu run aplication.
Coba kamu ikutin cara ini, mudah-mudahan berhasil ya :)
*klik kanan pada program game tersebut lalu pilih Properties.
*Pada Tab Shortcut, klik opsi Advanced lalu langkah terakhir ‘centang’ pada Run this program as an administrator.
*Klik OK.
Kalau gak bisa juga, coba kamu download versi setupnya aja.
cara download nya gmna sih?:(
BalasHapusSemua link di atas menggunakan shortlink sebelum ke situs penyimpanan filenya.
HapusLink Download shortlink dari adsafelink.
Link Alternative 1 shortlink dari safelinku.
Link Alternative 2 shortlink dari
Saya sarankan link alternative 2 saja yang gak terlalu ribet penggunaannya.
Link yang di atas semua pada aktif dan bisa diakses.
Selamat mencoba :)
Min, kok yg ke 4 nggk bsa dibuka ya? Kalo mau buka layarnya hitam
BalasHapusDiapain ya min?
HapusCoba kamu kunjungi situs berikut ini:
Semoga berhasil :)
Hai kak, aku udah download gamenya. tapi kenapa setiap aku mau main, gamenya langsung ke close ya?
BalasHapusMaaf kalau saya baru membalasnya. Makasih juga udah berkunjung ke blog ini :)
HapusMungkin dikarenakan ini game jadul jadinya tidak sesuai dengan spek laptop kamu.
Coba kamu ubah pengaturan compatibility mode di Windowsnya. Berikut caranya:
*Klik kanan program atau aplikasi.
*Setelah itu pilih properties.
*Lalu pilih menu tab compatibility.
*Centang “Run this program in compatibility for” lalu pilih versi Windows yang support.
*Terakhir klik Apply lalu OK.
Kamu juga bisa kunjungi situs berikut ini:
Semoga berhasil :)
Wah gamenya bagus, makasih mint udah share ya!
BalasHapusTerima kasih telah memposting semua ini! Saya sangat berterima kasih! Apakah anda pikir anda bisa melakukan Diaper Dash?
BalasHapuskak, ini udah download tapi gak bisa langsung keluar aplikasinya kak