20 Maret 2018

Big City Adventure Collection

Big City Adventure - San Francisco

Big City Adventure - Sydney Australia

Big City Adventure - New York City
Hit the city that never sleeps and take a bite out of the wonderful sights of the Big Apple!
****Big City Adventure New York City (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles

Screenshots : 

Big City Adventure - Vancouver
Grab your camera and take an eye-popping trip through the winter games' host city.

****Big City Adventure Vancouver (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - London Classic
Blimey! Never have you ever been on a family trip so dodgy and full of intrigue...

Search for thousands of cleverly hidden items around the historic sites of jolly old London in Big City Adventure: London Classic! Collect postcards containing fascinating and obscure facts about London and its history and earn cool mementos from the amazing scenes you'll visit in this fun Hidden Object game. Play unique minigames and explore a beautiful city in Big City Adventure: London Classic!
****Big City Adventure London Classic (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - London Story
London calling! Linger in the thrill of Fitzpatrick's lost legacy and leap to legendary landmarks.

London Story! Follow the tantalizing trail of clues he left behind and visit some of the best known locations around London in this incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. Meet an eccentric cast of characters that can help you in your quest, but only if you can help them first. Track down the legacy in Big City Adventure: London Story!

Link Download : Solidfiles | Zippyshare | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox
Link Alternative 1: Solidfiles |
Zippyshare | Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox 
Link Alternative 2: Solidfiles |
Zippyshare | Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Paris
Book your ticket for a romantic getaway to the sights and sounds of Paris!

Link Alternative 1: Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox 
Link Alternative 2: Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox 
****Big City Adventure Paris (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Tokyo
Delight your senses with an engaging mix of ancient and modern attractions in mighty Tokyo!

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Rio de Janeiro
Bom dia! Ready to travel to the land of Carnival? The neverending beauty of Rio de Janeiro awaits!
****Big City Adventure Rio de Janeiro (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Istanbul 
Can you see beyond Istanbul's fairy-like sights to find more than meets the eye?
****Big City Adventure Istanbul (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Barcelona
Let the sound of Spanish guitars and the illustrious sights charm you. Vamos à Barcelona!

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Shanghai
Visit Shanghai, and explore the dynamic downtowns of a modern urban marvel.

Screenshots :

Big City Adventure - Rome
Uncover Rome's grand history, and take in astounding sights surrounded by adventure, romance, and mystery!

Link Download : Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox
Link Alternative 1: Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox 
Link Alternative 2: Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Uptobox

Screenshots :

Sumber: gamehouse, bigfishgames  

36 komentar:

  1. amazing!!!! I love this game so much since I was highschool student. So excited I found your collection. Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Thank you so much! These games are classic and timeless. I downloaded all 12 of them, and I'm gonna enjoy them for a very long time. Your page is a gem!

    1. hiii!! is your game okay? bcus BCA paris and onwards i cant seem to play them in proper full screen, they are only showing 2/3 part of the game :(

  3. kok saya download dan saya mainin terus terusan keulang dari awal ya tiap saya quit? masa saya harus pantengin terus...

  4. downloadnya yg mana ya ? solid atau yg lain ?

  5. Muchas pero muchas gracias!!!!

  6. thank youu! lovee this game since i was a kid and i can play it again nowadays yeaay

  7. Terima Kasih ☺ kangen banget sama game ini 💞

  8. Fiks pengen download semua😭

  9. terima kasih sudah menyediakan link game ini, dari bulan lau cari game ini dan selalu dapet yang berbayar. browsing terus akhirnya dapet gamenya dari blog ini. terima kasih sangaatt yaa

  10. Makasih Banyak Mbaaaak, beneran kangen sama game ini wkwkw

  11. Terimakasiiiihhhh...
    Suka banget sama game ini...
    Udah kangen, lama ndak main...
    Bisa nemu web sebaik ini, sekali lagi terimakasih..

  12. ini link downloadnya yg mana:( kok gabisa terus

    1. Maaf baru sekarang dibalas :)
      Semua link di atas menggunakan shortlink sebelum ke situs penyimpanan filenya.
      Link Download shortlink dari adsafelink.
      Link Alternative 1 shortlink dari safelinku.
      Link Alternative 2 shortlink dari adf.ly
      Saya sarankan link alternative 2 saja yang gak terlalu ribet penggunaannya.
      Link yang di atas semua pada aktif dan bisa diakses.
      Selamat mencoba :)

  13. Ini pake link yang mana? Ga bisa di download

    1. Semua link di atas menggunakan shortlink sebelum ke situs penyimpanan filenya.
      Link Download shortlink dari adsafelink.
      Link Alternative 1 shortlink dari safelinku.
      Link Alternative 2 shortlink dari adf.ly
      Saya sarankan link alternative 2 saja yang gak terlalu ribet penggunaannya.
      Link yang di atas semua pada aktif dan bisa diakses.
      Selamat mencoba :)

  14. halo kak, kok big adventure city yang NY cuma bisa dimainin sampe level 8 ya? kalo ke level 9 pasti error mulu

    1. Halo juga :)
      Maaf kalau saya baru sekarang. Selama saya memainkan BCA NY, gamenya baik-baik saja. Kalau kamu mau, coba kamu download setupnya ya :)
      Selamat bermain :)
      Makasih udah mau berkunjung :)

  15. maaf, saya tidak bisa buka gamenya, muncul direct x error 80004001

    sudah saya update semua dan hasilnya nihil, bagaimana ini?

    1. Maaf kalau saya baru balas.

      Dikarenakan ini game lama, coba kamu pakai DirectX 7.1 atau DirectX 9.0.

      Kalau laptopmu Win 10, coba kamu kunjungi situs ini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38pw291N048

      Semoga berhasil :)


  17. kak, yg big city barcelona kok ga bisa dibuka ya?

    1. bantu jawab kak, coba download lagi dari server yg berbeda dg sebelumnya

    2. Maksudnya dari server yg beda gimana ya kak? Saya udah nyoba download dari bbrp link alternative kok ga bisa ya? Pdhl yg laen lancar2 aja 😢😢

  18. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  19. kak.. kenapa yang sydney nggak bisa ya?

  20. hello im from malaysia... i have question about the game. Yang BCA paris,tokyo dan lain2 selepas New york kenapa game nya hanya nunjukin 2/3 screen ya? ga bisa ditekan butang start nya :( hrp dibalas ya..

  21. Halo kakk boleh tolong diupload lagi yg new york exe krn di kedua web udah gaada ;( makasihh
