11 Februari 2017

Twilight City: Love as Cure - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Solve all breath-taking mysteries in a marvelous game Twilight City: Love as a Cure! You have turned into a vampire! Travel to the Twilight City where you will find all the answers. Fulfill the quests to turn back into a human and get rid of a curse! You will visit great number of city locations: a tavern, a circus, an academy and many others. Meet different vampires who are always ready to help you and teach you all the necessary things. Find a job, decorate your room and get the tasks to fulfill! Reveal your dark side in the game Twilight City: Love as a Cure! 
Link Download: Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Files | Uptobox
Link Alternative: Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Files | Uptobox


Sumber : myplaycity.com

14 Januari 2017

Rachel's Retreat - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Everybody in our modern world full of hardships and stressful situations dreams of the day in a spa resort. People like to relax after a long working day, to drink fresh juice and talk with friends about everything except their daily duties. Rachel knows for sure how nice it can be and what money such business brings to its owners. Her own experience has taught her a lot and given some useful ideas. Now she's ready to bring happiness and harmony to her clients running her spa destination called Rachel's Retreat. What will it look like? You see, it's not so easy to make a perfect start and avoid the mistakes young businessmen often do. All the clients are different: some of them can be critical and unsatisfied and others will be polite and modest. Rachel and her stuff will have to be tolerant and please everybody to attract people's attention to the resort, save its reputation and earn money. People visit such places to become healthier and more beautiful or simply to have fun. This is Rachel's Retreat! Will you join it and help the girl? You're to offer people interesting activities and organize special programs to make a good impression. Show the clients they can find everything they need - upgrade your equipment to provide visitors with modern opportunities. Come on, it's a real chance for you to prove that business means good money to you. Just be attentive and look after the clients: once they want something you should be ready to do your job. People can't wait anymore! Just go and start playing Rachel's Retreat right now!

Link Download: TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Files | Uptobox
Link Alternative: Mega | TheFilesLocker | Yandex Disk | Mediafire | Files | Uptobox


Sumber : myplaycity.com

Outta This Kingdom - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Nobody knows where miracles may wait! So does Rachel. The ordinary day turned into the breathtaking adventure. The girl has crossed a dimensional rift and now she has a lot to do. Help the smart girl cope with numerous tasks! In the Time Management game Outta This Kingdom your aim is to restore the lovely kingdom ruined by the evil wizard Zircon! Watch out - he will do his best to stop you by sending hordes of magical creatures to ruin everything you've built. Collect resources, build villages and cast spells to save the kingdom in the ravishing game Outta This Kingdom!

Link Download: Yandex Disk | Mediafire
Link Alternative 1: Yandex Disk | Mediafire 
Link Alternative 2: Mega | Yandex Disk | Mediafire
****Outta This Kingdom (setup.exe)
Link Download : TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles
Link Alternative 1: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles 
Link Alternative 2: TheFilesLocker | Solidfiles  


Sumber : myplaycity.com dan berbagai sumber

Juliette's Fashion Empire - Free Download Full Version for Games PC

Build your own clothing design business all over the world with a fabulous game Juliette's Fashion Empire! This game is perfect for girls of all ages. Juliette has just graduated from the Fashion Academy in New York and opened her own boutique. But alas! There are no customers. She talks to Adrian, a guy who is more successful than she. The main thing in this business is the brand recognition. Despite wise advice Adrian gave her, he is sure she will fail. Help Juliette prove her opponent is wrong in the game Juliette's Fashion Empire! Enter your shop and be ready to prepare models for a catwalk. At first only the newcomers will work with you. Good news: they have much more patience than the supermodels. The icon above the model shows what she wants. Some need to drink a glass of juice first or play a video game. Then they will be ready for a make-up. After that you need to show them to a dressing room where they will pick up the outfit they like. When the models are happy with the dress you'll see smiles on their faces. After that you need to help the models choose accessories. Only then they are ready for a catwalk. Moreover, you'll need to cope with the tasks quickly or the models will lose patience and leave! The better you cope the more money you'll make. Practically everything can be upgraded in your boutique. The more comfortable are the chairs, the make-up tables, the dressing rooms, the more patient the models are. You can hire assistants to help you cope with such a number of tasks. Beat your opponents and win the hearts of the New York, Milan, Paris and London citizens in a spectacular game Juliette's Fashion Empire!

Sumber : myplaycity.com

20 Desember 2016

Kado Ulang Tahun Untuk Mama

Kado Ulang Tahun Untuk Mama

By: Sri Fatimah A.S

Sepulang sekolah, Safa terlihat melamun di kamar.

“Hayo, kecil-kecil sudah melamun!” teriak Kak Zulvan mengagetkan Safa.

“Aku lagi memikirkan tugas dari Bu Guru,” jawab Safa sambil melepas sepatunya. “Sebentar lagi, kan, Hari Ibu. Bu Guru menyuruh kami mengarang tentang apa saja yang telah kami perbuat untuk membahagiakan Ibu. Karangan itu harus dikumpulkan minggu depan.”

Ilustrasi: Yoyok

“Itu, kan, tugas yang mudah,” komentar Kak Zulvan.

“Masalahnya, Kak... Safa belum pernah membahagiakan Mama. Malah lebih sering membuat Mama jengkel karena kalau asyik bermain aku sering lupa makan, bahkan lupa mandi...”.

Kak Zulvan tersenyum, “Ya, sudah! Kalau begitu, mulai sekarang kamu jangan bikin Mama jengkel lagi. Apalagi, setelah Papa meninggal, Mama, kan, lelah bekerja untuk menghidupi kita.”

Safa menganggukkan kepalanya dengan penuh rasa sesal.

“Lusa, kan, Mama berulang tahun. Kamu bisa memberi kado kecil untuk Mama. Selama ini, kamu belum pernah memberi hadiah buat Mama, kan? Nah, setelah itu, kami bisa membuat karangan,” saran Kak Zulvan.  

“Wah, makasih, ya, Kak, atas idenya,” Safa tersenyum manis.

Setelah kakaknya keluar kamar, Safa mulai memikirkan kado yang cocok untuk Mama. Ia lalu teringat, kalau dompet Mama sudah kusam. Namun Safa ragu. Apa ada dompet yang murah harganya? Safa melirik ke celengan gajahnya.

Sore hari, ketika Mama pergi ke arisan, Safa membuka celengannya itu. Setelah ia menghitung semua uangnya, jumlahnya ternyata hanya Rp 20.000,00.  

“Mungkin, di toko serba ada, di depan sekolah, ada dompet yang harganya Rp 20.000,00,” gumamnya.

Besok siangnya, sepulang sekolah, Safa pergi ke toko serba ada itu. Harga dompet di toko itu bermacam-macam. Ada yang mahal, ada juga yang murah. Sebenarnya Safa tertarik pada dompet berwarna cream. Bentuknya cantik sekali. Sayang harganya Rp 40.000,00. Uang Safa tidak cukup.

Ilustrasi: Yoyok

Safa teringat kata-kata kakaknya. Tidak usah yang mahal-mahal, asalkan ikhlas. Ia lalu melihat-lihat dompet yang harganya lebih murah. Akhirnya, safa menemukan sebuah dompet cokelat muda. walau harganya murah, namun bentuknya cukup menarik. Dengan lega, Safa membayar di kasir.  

Setelah makan siang, Safa sibuk membungkus kadonya. Hadiah itu lalu ia simpan di laci meja belajarnya. Ia punya rencana untuk ulang tahun Mama. Ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 7.30 malam, Safa bersiap-siap tidur. Sebelum tidur, ia menyetel jam wekernya agar ia bisa berbunyi pukul 12 malam nanti.

Jam weker Safa tepat waktu. Deringannya berbunyi kencang tepat pada pukul 12 malam. KRIIING...  KRIIING...

Awalnya Safa malas bangun. Namun ia teringat pada rencananya. Buru-buru ia bangun dan mengambil kadonya. Dengan hati-hati dia mengetuk pintu kamar Mama. Mama membuka pintu dan terkejut melihat Safa di depan pintu.

“Ada apa Safa?” tanya Mama.

Safa tersenyum malu lalu mengulurkan kado.

“Safa cuma mau kasih kado kecil ini, Ma! Selamat Ulang Tahun!”  

Mata Mama yang semula mengantuk, kini terbuka lebar. Mama tersenyum haru dan menerima kado itu. Ia lalu memeluk Safa.

“Terima kasih, Sayang. Mama senang sekali. Tapi sekarang Safa tidur lagi, ya. Ini, kan, masih malam, Sayang!” kata Mama.

Safa mengangguk dan segera kembali ke kamarnya. Tak lupa menyetel wekernya agar berbunyi pada pukul lima pagi.

Tepat pukul lima pagi, weker Safa berbunyi. Safa segera bangun dan mandi. Ketika masuk kembali ke kamar dan melintasi meja belajarnya, betapa terkejutnya Safa. Ada uang dua puluh ribu dan secarik kertas di atas meja itu. Safa segera membaca tulisan kertas itu.

Safa sayang, terimakasih, ya, kadonya. Mama sangat senang dan terharu. Ini uang dua puluh ribu dari Mama. Ditabung, ya!

Safa tersenyum. Namun ia penasaran juga karena Mama tahu harga dompet itu. Setelah memakai seragam, Safa bergegas mencari mamanya untuk bertanya.

“Ma, kenapa mengembalikan uang Safa?”

“Mama bukannya mengembalikan uangmu. Uang dari Mama itu, untuk menambah tabunganmu. Mama, kan, tahu kamu sedang menabung untuk membeli sepatu baru,” jawab Mama penuh sayang.

Safa terharu mendengar ucapan Mama. “Makasih, ya, Ma,” ucap Safa, lalu mencium tangan mamanya.

Baru beberapa langkah meninggalkan halaman rumahnya, tiba-tiba Safa lari berbalik lagi.

“Apa yang ketinggalan, Fa?” tanya Mama. “Nggak ada, Ma. Safa cuma ingin tahu. Dari mana Mama tahu kalau harga dompet itu dua puluh ribu?” tanya Safa malu-malu.

Ilustrasi: Yoyok

Sambil tertawa Mama menjawab, “Ya, dari dompetnya. Kamu lupa mencabut stiker harganya.” Mereka tertawa bersama-sama.

Hari itu, Safa berangkat ke sekolah dengan riang. Keinginannya untuk membahagiakan Mama sudah tercapai. Dan siang nanti, sepulang sekolah, ia sudah bisa mengerjakan tugas mengarangnya.

(Sumber: Bobo edisi 36. Tahun XXXVII. 17 Desember 2009. Hal. 10-11)